Why Men Should Wax this Summer?

Why Men Should Wax this Summer?
Summer is here and men everywhere are rejoicing for the low maintenance routine that comes with it.
Men are catching on that waxing is the best way to remove hair for an extended period of time. Men are now also enjoying weeks of no shaving or plucking and best of all, no body stubble!
We have a full menu of male body waxing services. Guys, don’ be shy. If you’re not waxing, you’re missing out. Stop walking around with stubble on your chest, arms and legs. Waxing is quick and lasts much longer.
The Men’s Grooming Salon offers ‘lifestyle’ pricing on ALL services. When we say ‘lifestyle’, we mean that our prices are affordable and can fit into your lifestyle comfortably, so you can pamper and take care of yourself on a regular basis.
Visit us online to see all of our waxing services and a complete menu of prices.
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At The Men’s Grooming Salon wax men and are specially trained to wax all men’s areas such as bikini line and Male Brazilian Waxing. Male grooming is an ever demanding service and men are not shy any more about waxing their eyebrows, backs, chest and even Brazilian. If you are considering getting a male Brazilian Wax, here are some things you should know before your first appointment.
1. Keep your skin moisturized so it strengthens the skin with vitamins
2. It is very important to exfoliate waxed areas between waxing appointments to prep for your first one.
3. It is ideal to trim down some hair before you come for your first appointment; we can do that if you don’t know how to.
4. Ask questions and read the important info such as who should not wax ( example folks with skin issues that take retinol medicine should not wax at all)
5. Our Brazilian Waxing services for men, include waxing of sac, back and crack
Now call us and enjoy!